Global Initiatives
Building Global Presence
East Penn’s global presence is stronger than ever. Expanding our reach allows us to better serve our customers in all corners of the world.

East Penn Canada
East Penn Canada is a major player in the automotive aftermarket for battery products, and a growing force in motive power and stationary backup power battery applications. They service thousands of customer locations across Canada.
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East Penn International
Headquartered in Wujiang, China, EPI serves the needs of our multinational customers throughout China and the entire Asia-Pacific market.
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MK Battery
Acquired by East Penn in 1995, MK Battery provides sealed battery solutions for specialized, deep cycle and standby power applications. With one of the most extensive distribution systems for sealed batteries, MK Battery brands are proudly sold and distributed on all seven continents.
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Navitas Systems
Navitas Systems is a global leader in larger-format lithium battery technology and systems for heavy-duty commercial/industrial as well as government/defense market segments. The company is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan with R&D, Engineering, and Manufacturing Centers.
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Technical joint ventures and partnerships with Banner GmbH in Austria, Gonher de Mexico, Acumaladores Duncan in Venenzuela, Acumuladores Moura S.A. in Brazil, and Exide Industries Limited in India have expanded our reach into some of the fastest growing global markets, strengthening our market position and customer service throughout the world.